Airton House Designs Apps

StarShip Defender 1.08
StarShip Defender is a small space shootergamewritten in LUA built using Corona Labs Software DevelopmentKIt.It is very basic and therefore FREE to use and is reallyanexperiment in using the SDK and publishing to the GooglePlayStore.Your StarShip is in the centre of the screen and alienshipsattack randomly from different directions. There are fivedifferentaliens that travel at different speeds, the speedincreasing as thescore rises.That's it really. Have fun and enjoy this little game whenyouhave a quiet five minutes.
Fun With Words 2.03
Fun With Words is a fun, easy touseeducational app aimed at early learning years. It hasadditionalsupport for children with hearing difficulties in theform of BSLfinger spelling images.There are three game elements:Match Picture to Pictures - in which the child has to selectthecorrect picture from the four surrounding the centre one. Itissuggested that this is used as a game learning tool so thatthechild understands the mechanics of the gameMatch Word to Pictures - four pictures are presented with awordin the centre. the BSL sign (fingerspelling) representation isalsoshown below the word The child has to choose the picturematchingthe word.Type the Word - a single picture is shown and the child hastotype the word that describes the picture.A score is kept and displayed of the number of correctandincorrect responses.
BSL WordSearch Junior 1.00
This is a ‘Junior’ version of ourBSLWordSearch game with simpler words aimed at early learningyears.It still has the Finger Spelling optionThere are two versions of the game.1) A standard 10x10 letter grid with words placedhorizontallyand vertically,forwards and backwards, up and down.2) A 10x10 grid with the letters represented by BSL fingerspellimagesTo play, simply find the words in the list within the gridandslide your finger from the first letter to the last. You have tobevery accurate and not go over the edge of the grid. Ifyou'reright, the corresponding word in the list will changecolour.Be careful though, if you get it wrong, your score goesdown!Also, be aware that there may be words in the grid that arenotin the list - these are there to trap you so only find the onesinthe list or your score will be cut. It is also possible that awordmay appear more than once in the grid - it doesn't matter whichoneyou highlight.It's probably worth trying the Letter Spell version beforedoingthe Finger Spell version, just to get the hang of how thegameworks.The timer counts down until you clear all the words and thenanew grid is presented with the time reset (with a littlebonustime). The remaining time is added to the score as a bonusforcompleting the round in as short a time as possible.There are a few options settings:Word Direction - this cvan be set to be Forward only, ForwardandBackward, Down only, Down and Up, Forward and Down, ForwardBackwardDown or Up.The idea here is that you can set the direction according toyourchild's level so that you may want to start with Forward onlyorForward and Down for example.There are no diagonally arranged words. This makes the game alittleeasier, which you will find useful when trying the fingerspellingversion!Number of Words - allows setting the word list to be thefirst100 most frequently used words or the second 200 mostfrequentlyused words.Select Font - set the font to Comic Sans or if you prefer toaPrecursive font which is what children tend to be taught towritewith. This may be more familiar to them perhaps.Please provide feedback so that we can improve the game.Anythingconstructive will be much appreciated.Further details can be seen on our web site - 1.00 January 2016
BSL WordSearch 3.01
If you enjoy word puzzles, you'll love BSLWordSearch as it not only gives you a standard word search puzzlebut also allows you to test and develop your British Sign LanguageFinger Spelling skills.There are two versions of the game.1) A standard 10x10 letter grid with words placed horizontallyand vertically, forwards and backwards, up and down.2) A 10x10 grid with the letters represented by BSL finger spellimagesTo play, simply find the words in the list within the grid andslide your finger from the first letter to the last. If you'reright, the corresponding word in the list will change colour.It's probably worth trying the Letter Spell version before doingthe Finger Spell version, just to get the hang of how the gameworks.The timer counts down until you clear all the words and then anew grid is presented with the time reset (with a little bonustime).Note that the words are arranged horizontally forward andbackward and vertically down or up in the grid. There are nodiagonally arranged words. This makes the game a little easier,which you will find useful when trying the finger spellingversion!The game is now totally free to play ALL categories. Havefun!
BSL Dictionary 1.42
BSL Dictionary is a free look up dictionaryforBritish Sign Language signs.There are two search options:1. An alphabet search where the letters of the alphabetarepresented on a grid. Touching one of those then shows a listofwords beginning with that letter.2. A Word Search where you type the word or part of andmatchingwords are shown in the list.In both cases, once you have the list, touching a wordshowseither a video of the sign, or, if we do not have a video, astaticimage that depicts the sign.All images and videos are stored within the app so thatinternetaccess is not necessary to look up a sign. This may berevisited ifthe app size gets too large and we may change it topull the videoin particular from the BSL Signbank website. This isnot somethingwe want to do as we see the strength of this app inthe fact thatit can be used off line. To be honest if you have goodinternetconnectivity, you would be better off using the sourcewebsitesshown below.Please note that enormous thanks are expressed to BritishSign( for their permission to usetheirstatic images and to the BSL Signbank project at UniversityCollegeLondon ( for the use oftheirvideo database.